.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ################# API reference ################# General utilities ================= Graceful shutdown ----------------- .. autofunction:: aiotk.run_until_complete .. autofunction:: aiotk.cancel .. autofunction:: aiotk.cancel_all .. autofunction:: aiotk.follow_through .. autofunction:: aiotk.wait_until_cancelled .. autoclass:: aiotk.AsyncExitStack :members: .. testcode:: import asyncio from aiotk import AsyncExitStack class Greeter(object): def __init__(self, name): self._name = name async def __aenter__(self): print('Hello, %s!' % self._name) async def __aexit__(self, *args): print('Bye, %s!' % self._name) async def demo(): async with AsyncExitStack() as stack: await stack.enter_context(Greeter('Alice')) await stack.enter_context(Greeter('Bob')) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(demo()) .. testoutput:: Hello, Alice! Hello, Bob! Bye, Bob! Bye, Alice! .. autoclass:: aiotk.EnsureDone :members: .. testcode:: from aiotk import EnsureDone, wait_until_cancelled async def background_task(): await wait_until_cancelled(loop=event_loop) async def demo(): async with EnsureDone(background_task()) as task: assert not task.done() assert task.done() asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(demo()) .. autoclass:: aiotk.TaskPool :members: .. testcode:: import asyncio from aiotk import TaskPool, wait_until_cancelled async def background_task(ready): ready.set() await wait_until_cancelled() async def demo(): ready = asyncio.Event() async with TaskPool() as pool: task = await pool.spawn(background_task, ready) await ready.wait() assert not task.done() assert task.done() asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(demo()) .. autofunction:: aiotk.reader Streams ------- .. autofunction:: aiotk.udp_server .. testcode:: import asyncio from aiotk import ( cancel, udp_server, EnsureDone, AsyncExitStack, ) host = '' server_port = 5555 client_port = 5556 async def echo_server(iqueue, oqueue, loop): """UDP echo server.""" try: while True: peer, data = await iqueue.get() assert peer == (host, client_port) await oqueue.put((peer, data)) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass async def echo_client(iqueue, oqueue, loop): """UDP echo client.""" # Repeatedly send until the server ACKs. item = None while item is None: try: item = iqueue.get_nowait() except asyncio.QueueEmpty: await asyncio.sleep(0.5) await oqueue.put(((host, server_port), b'PING')) peer, data = item assert peer == (host, server_port) assert data == b'PING' async def demo(): async with AsyncExitStack() as stack: server = await stack.enter_context(EnsureDone( udp_server(host, client_port, echo_server), )) client = await stack.enter_context(EnsureDone( udp_server(host, server_port, echo_client), )) await asyncio.wait_for(client, timeout=5.0) await cancel(server) assert client.result() is None assert server.result() is None asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(demo()) .. autofunction:: aiotk.mempipe .. testcode:: import asyncio from aiotk import mempipe async def demo(): reader, writer = mempipe() writer.write('Hello, world!\n'.encode('utf-8'))   rep = await reader.readline() print(rep.decode('utf-8').strip())   writer.close() asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(demo()) .. testoutput:: Hello, world! Scheduling ========== .. autoclass:: aiotk.PeriodicTask .. testcode:: import aiotk import asyncio async def demo(): """Run a task every 10 millisconds.""" sem = asyncio.Semaphore() async def task(): sem.release() # Run the background task every 10ms. async with aiotk.PeriodicTask(task, 0.01): await sem.acquire() await sem.acquire() await sem.acquire() # Task no longer runs here. aiotk.run_until_complete(demo()) Testing ======= Subprocesses ------------ .. autofunction:: aiotk.mock_subprocess .. testcode:: import aiotk async def echo(stdin, stdout): line = await stdin.readline() while line: stdout.write(line) line = await stdin.readline() async def demo(): with aiotk.mock_subprocess(echo): process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( stdin=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout, stderr = await asyncio.wait_for( process.communicate(input=b'Hello, world!\n'), timeout=5.0 ) assert stderr is None print(stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(demo()) .. testoutput:: Hello, world! Compatibility helpers ===================== asyncio backports ----------------- .. autofunction:: aiotk.monkey_patch .. testcode:: import asyncio import aiotk aiotk.monkey_patch() async def demo(): reader, writer = mempipe() writer.write('Hello, world!'.encode('utf-8'))   rep = await reader.readuntil(b'!') print(rep.decode('utf-8'))   writer.close() asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(demo()) .. testoutput:: Hello, world! CTRL-C / SIGINT handler ----------------------- .. autofunction:: aiotk.handle_ctrlc .. testcode:: import asyncio import os import signal from aiotk import handle_ctrlc async def demo(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() done = asyncio.Future() with handle_ctrlc(done): loop.call_soon(os.kill, os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT) print('Press CTRL-C to continue...') await asyncio.wait_for(done, timeout=1.0) print('Done!') asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(demo()) .. testoutput:: Press CTRL-C to continue... Done! Network facilities ================== UNIX socket server ------------------ .. autoclass:: aiotk.UnixSocketServer :members: .. testcode:: import asyncio from aiotk import UnixSocketServer async def echo(reader, writer): chunk = await reader.read(256) while chunk: writer.write(chunk) chunk = await reader.read(256) async def demo(): path = './echo.sock' async with UnixSocketServer(path, echo): reader, writer = await asyncio.open_unix_connection(path) writer.write('Hello, world!\n'.encode('utf-8'))   rep = await reader.readline() print(rep.decode('utf-8').strip())   writer.close() asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(demo()) .. testoutput:: Hello, world! TCP socket server ----------------- .. autofunction:: aiotk.tcp_server .. autoclass:: aiotk.TCPServer :members: .. testcode:: import asyncio import random from aiotk import TCPServer async def echo(reader, writer): chunk = await reader.read(256) while chunk: writer.write(chunk) chunk = await reader.read(256) async def demo(): host = '' port = random.randint(49152, 65535) async with TCPServer(host, port, echo): reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(host, port) writer.write('Hello, world!\n'.encode('utf-8'))   rep = await reader.readline() print(rep.decode('utf-8').strip())   writer.close() asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(demo()) .. testoutput:: Hello, world!